Long Tailed Lizard as Gorgeous and Charming Pets

Long Tailed Lizard - Long tailed lizards are insectivorous, they eat the insects that they meet in the wild without exception. Long tail lizard likes almost all insects. They will eat insects, as long as they do not harm themselves. Even they will eat ants swarming the insect that they wish to eat.

Long Tailed Lizard Images Gallery

Long Tailed Lizard

Long Tailed Lizard

Long Tailed Lizard

Long Tailed Lizard

Long Tailed Lizard

Long Tailed Lizard

How to Weaning Puppies From Their Mother Gently

How to weaning puppies from their mother gently - Puppies are cute and adorable creatures. Especially when we see them embraced by their mothers as they were expecting mother caressing. But what if it was time to wean them from their mother? Do we have the heart to separate them? But anyway it should be done.
Weaning Puppies From Their Mother Gently

Weaning Puppies From Their Mother Gently

Weaning Puppies From Their Mother Gently

Weaning Puppies From Their Mother Gently

Provide the Right Food

Usually the puppies are weaned at the age of two to four weeks, and at that age a puppy still requires extra care. The first thing you have to prepare when weaning puppies of course is to prepare the right meal replacement. The puppy has not been able to digest solid foods, then prepare food with texture similar to dairy milk. You can mix dog food with warm water to get the desired texture. Estimate the proportion so that the texture of the dog food looks like baby pap or semi-liquid. You can put it in a shallow bowl so the puppy can easily lick and eat it.
Weaning Puppies From Their Mother Gently

Weaning Puppies From Their Mother Gently

Weaning Puppies From Their Mother Gently

Weaning Puppies From Their Mother Gently
Feeding can be carried out gradually. Along with the growth of puppies, food given gradually adapted to their needs. At least you have to feed them between three to four times a day. Food texture adapted to the age of the puppy, and over time they will be familiar with dry food.

Give Attention and Affection

Puppies are like humans, they need affection. Although our treatment may not be equal with their mother, at least we give proper attention. They need to caress, engage them to play. Bathe them regularly to maintain their cleanliness. It also will make your puppy feel cared for by their lord. With proper treatment, you can easily weaning puppies from their mother gently and wisely.